Omaha’s International Travel Agency
(photo caption: True Travel – 1984)
So, you want to take a trip with your family… Where do you start to get the best airfare for an international vacation to Europe? Google? Yahoo? Wow, lot’s of interesting discounted travel deals on the web. Iceland, Ireland or India? Alaska, Aruba or Antigua? Expedia or Orbitz or Trivago? Yes, honey, I heard you, dinner is ready! I will be right there, I am working on OUR trip!
Dinner was yummy. Ok, now, back to work, or, to researching our Omaha to Rome, Italy trip. Wow, now that looked like a good deal! Where did it go? Was it a mirage? Do I need to clean my readers? Again?
I just hope that I get a confirmation email. Maybe it’s in my spam trap. Who do I call if it didn’t work, or if it changes, or if I change. Hey, wait a minute, this trip thing is supposed to be fun!
Next time I will call that travel agent, Roland, at True Travel, he makes it real easy.
Then I will be on time for dinner. And I will have dessert for dessert. That sounds like more fun to me. Isn’t that what the vacation is supposed to be?
The excitement of planning your trip, the anticipation of your trip, the trip itself, and the memories of our trip are all stages of our ventures out from our comfortable homes. However, the first stage can be tricky.
Since 1978, TRUE TRAVEL has been providing personalized and timely travel services for travelers in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, and around the world.
We have proven ourselves to be Omaha’s travel agency with a unique international expertise.
Don’t let your dream trip get stuck in first gear, contact us so that we can get your trip on your calendar.
Good planning will increase the chances of a great trip. TRUE TRAVEL will make it much easier for you. Call us at (402) 558-8222 or fill out the price request form to your right.
Let’s get it started!
By Roland Treu, Owner of True Travel
cool blog
You certainly are the expert!